April 2-Choices Are Ours To Make-I did a speech at the local women’s prison. I shared my life story. And how I did not allow my life to define me but instead to refine me and make me a better person. It was an awesome event
April 9-Take Back The Night Event-I decided to host my own TBTN since the County I live in does not have a big event. I felt like I did everything I could to advertise the event. Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Newspaper/Local Channel advertisement. Unfortunately, no one from the community was there. My amazing friends and family were there so I tried to focus on the fact I had support. I also feel like that was my rehearsal/dry run. Because I was an emotional mess. So it was good to come unglued with friends and family. The most powerful part of the night was the Candle Lighting Ceremony at the end. We started in a dark room, I lit my candle, then each candle was lit and then we chanted “Take Back The Night We Unite” 10 times. I whaled cried. It was so powerful.
April 10-Take Back The Night Lawrenceburg-This was my second time in Lawrenceburg. I actually did my first speech ever in Lawrenceburg in 2010. This time I spoke about having a support system. I was able to meet 3 other amazing survivors. I truly believe that we will be lifetime friends.
April 19-Survivors as Patients-This speech was 4 months in the making. I spoke to the President of our hospital in December. And then January through March I was in contact with HR. I have spoke at a womens prison, talked to probationers and even juviniles in trouble but none of them scared me as much as this one because I was talking to leadership at my work. I would see this people on a daily basis. But I know I had to do this to help educate Healthcare providers. To let them know sexual trauma survivors are not just in the Emergency Room but they are patients, family of patients and even employees. I shared some of my struggles and triggers. I will add the 2 Facebook Live Videos so you can get a more personal look at the speech. It was also powerful.
April 24 & 25-I did an awareness booth at work at lunchtime. I had some great conversations with quite a few people on those 2 days.
So as I reflect on this past month the word I think of is Courage & Proudful. I am so proud of myself for having the courage to do so much for awareness. I look forward to what the future has in store for me.
Take Care. Much Love