A few weeks ago at church a sister did an AMAZING Communion. I am going to try to recreate it. Hopefully I do her justice
I want to share with you about a young man Matthew Gene Spahn. He was hit by a car in October 2018. He was in ICU for 11 days.
He succomed to his injuries and died 11 days after the accident. This a picture his sister posted on Snapchat

His family decided to donate his organs. What happened next was AMAZING. (you can stop playing after 3:10)
Most hospitals do this “Walk of Respect” or “Walk of Remembrance.” It is a time to remember this amazing thing this family is doing in a tragic time for them.
What this family did reminds me of what Jesus did for us. He donated his life for us.
- He gave us his eyes to see the world through
- He gave us his heart to show the world his love
- He gave us his hands to serve the poor with.
- He gave us his blood to give us life.
When he carried the cross that was his walk to rememberance. That was his time for people to reflect on what he was doing for them and all of us.
I am sure that his mother held him in her arms just like Matthews mom held him in her arms.
Let us always remember the walk of remembrance that Jesus did for us.
This communion took me to the cross and kept me there. It impacted me so much.
To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love