When it comes to forgiveness, I always had the mindset of when somebody apologizes you forgive them and it’s over and done with. I always thought that forgiveness was just so easy. You always hear the saying “Don’t cry over spilled milk” so I always thought Don’t harp on being hurt just accept somebody’s forgiveness and MoveOn. But after my traumas I had a different perspective on forgiveness because I thought I could just forgive my trespassers once and MoveOn but every time that I had a trigger, I could find a bitter root growing. I learned that in special circumstances you do have to forgive over and over it’s not a one and done it’s every time you think about it and you find yourself feeling hurt or mad or angry you have to stop in that moment and forgive. It’s a conscious effort of every day I have to choose to forgive. Because if I just let it go then I’m the one suffering the other person isn’t Suffering.
So, I have learned that today I choose to forgive. To God be the glory. Take care. Much love