This Is My Year

I have a confession to make.  I am sure some of you may already know.  Here it goes.  I am a hoarder.  I collect quotes and memes,  I LOVE when my Facebook newsfeed is overloaded with them.  I either save them to my phone or share them on my page.  Actually, there is a third option I can share it on my page and save it on my phone.  I am not too fond of the ones that have curse words in them.  No matter what the message is.  If someone wants to redo those quotes without curse words I am okay with that.

A few weeks ago I found a quote that is my life motto right now.


Since starting this blog and living towards my goal of being a Motivational Speaker full time I have begun to live this motto full time.  For so long I had the desire to share my story and being a speaker yet I was just sitting on the couch saying it and not doing anything to move toward this goal.

Get Off The Couch- Once I got off the couch and started doing something my perspective on life has changed.  I am constantly thinking about subjects I want to talk about.  I ALWAYS have a pad of paper with me to write things down.  I am always thinking about things I want to do to obtain my goals.

Smile More & Be More Excited.-I feel like once I got off the couch and began to get motivated than smiling came naturally.  And I would instantly get more excited thinking about the possibilities of my future.

Throw Away Clutter-This does not necessarily mean physical clutter.  But emotional and mental clutter that can cause me to get stuck.

Unfollow Negative People-I DEFINITELY do this.  If I post something on Facebook and someone leaves a negative comment I just delete the comment.  I don’t need that weighing me down.  So I might not officially unfollow them after one negative comment.  But I unfollow the comment.  I don’t need that.  If they continue to put negative garbage out there than I will definitely unfollow and unfriend them.

Go To Bed Early.  Wake Up Early.-Now I don’t have this perfect combo.  I am so excited to complete a blog I either stay up late, wake up early or do both.  So I really need to practice this one better.

Don’t Gossip-I try so hard to practice this one.  It can be so easy to be like TMZ but I realize that takes so much energy to be in other peoples business.  I can barely handle my own business.  So when I hear gossip I do my best to walk away and not listen to it.  And definitely not pass it along.

Show More Gratitude-As a society I think it is easier to grumble and complain instead of finding the rainbow on a cloudy day.  I feel like this is an area I need to work on.  Not only finding gratitude in the day but also expressing it to people that I cross paths with.

Do Things That Challenge You-I feel like I am living this in my life right now.  I have never challenged myself as much as I am right now.  We can get stuck in the comfort zone and be sitting on the couch.  We need to do something every day that will challenge us.

Be Brave-Those 2 words speak volume.  To Be Brave gives my life purpose.  Instead of getting stuck in the rut of life I have to challenge myself to Be Brave.

I truly believe that 2018 is going to be my year of growth.  I am really excited to see the plan that GOD has for me.  I am ready for it.  Be Brave

Take Care.  Much Love