About a year ago a woman on Twitter broke down examples of rape using the example of a purse. I thought the writer had great wisdom by sharing this analogy. I think it is very powerful:
The Purse Analogy
Don’t get how rape is so hard to understand for some men. But, if you put it like this, they get it:
-If you ask me for $5, and I am too drunk to say yes or no, it’s not okay to then go take $5 out of my purse… Just because I didn’t say no.
-If you put a gun to my head to get me to give you $5, you still stole $5. Even if I physically handed you $5.
-If I let YOU borrow $5, that doesn’t give the right for your FRIEND to take $5 out of my purse. “But you gave him some, why can’t I?”
-If you steal $5 and I can’t prove it in court, that does NOT mean you didn’t steal $5.
-Just because I gave you $5 in the past, doesn’t mean I have to give you $5 in the future.
If you can understand alllllll of that, how do you not understand the concept of rape?
Nafisa Ahmed https://twitter.com/thatxxv
Here are some tweet responses from other people that are equally powerful.
-If I decided I’d give you $5 but changed my mind and you took it any way you stole the $5
-And to think a man said, “Well she sat on his lap & went to his house.” Okay if I ask you to hold my purse, does that mean you can take $5?
I actually thought of one too”
“If my purse is really flashy and expensive you can’t give the excuse. Well she was carrying an expensive purse so she was just asking for the money to be taken”