Every time I would see it advertised on Amazon I would just pass it by because I did not think I was ready to see it. Then the other day just on a whim I decided to watch it. It was definitely an intense movie. In my opinion, they portrayed the aftermaths of PTSD very well. I won’t give away too much of the movie but they showed different perspectives of this condition and how it affects people differently.
This movie brought up something that I have struggled with for a while and I have shared on this blog before. That struggle is accepting someone saying “thank you for your service” or even affiliating myself with the military. A time in my life that caused some deep wounds. One of the characters in the movie had that struggle even talking about his time in the military because to him it brought up the memory of something horrible that happened during his time in the sandbox.
For a very long time anytime someone would ask why I did not stay in the military for 20 years, or even just thanking me for my service it would remind me of my Military Sexual Trauma. It was like a festering infected wound that someone accidentally hit. It reminded me of what had happened to me. I struggle so hard and for so long to not be “stuck” in that place for very long.
Once I finally started therapy I was able to take care of the deep wound. I was able to finally get that wound to heal. I am to the point when someone says “thank you for your service” I can shake their hand with confidence, look them in the eyes and truthfully say “My honor” Because that is why I raised my right hand almost 28 years ago. To serve my country with honor and dignity and finally, after years of therapy I am again finally proud of my time in the military
Take Care. Much Love