Sometimes You Just Have To Rip The Band-aid Off

Two weeks ago today I did one of the hardest things in my healing process. I went to Langley Air Force Base 39 years to the day of when I was sexually assaulted by my dad’s friend,

I had this great idea on Veterans Day. At that moment it was just talk. But I knew that I needed to follow through with it. Because if I did not follows through I would be the one dealing with the reperucussions. I would be the one that would be stagnant because I was not moving forwards.

So I made the plan. I found myself getting anxious and ultrasenstive. Expecially after Christmas NYE is the next big event. But I kept reassuing myself that htis may be scary now but it will be the best thing in my healing process.

The 2 days before NYE were so hard. I thought about what I was getting ready to do and I would just start balling at the drop of the hat. But I kept reminding myself this was what I needed to do to make myself the best Dana I could be.

Its funny the morning of NYE I went to borrow Lillie’s car and she had Baby Donut in her arms. I gave him a hug and just started crying I said to him “Mimi is doing this so that she can be the best Mimi to you and Lincoln.” That is so true. I want to heal so that there are no obstacles in spending time with my family.

I ended up having a sister from the penisula meet me in Hampton and we drove together to Langley. At first i had planned to go by myself but then I realizwed that it would be best if i had someone there at least for a little bit and then i could drive back by myself So i would have the best of both worlds. I could have someone support me but i would also have time to process it by myself. So it worked out great.

GOD gad a perfect plan. It was raining so I could not just seit on the grass near the house. So instead I sat across the street at the park under the jungle gym. It was very bitter sweet sitting under a playground reading an impact letter about something that impacted my life when i was 10 (I will post a separte post about the impact letter


Everything went well. I read an impact statement under the playground. I placed a rock under a tree in front of the house that said “thriver” on it. I then walked around the neighborhood reflecting on some stuff. Then got in the sisters car, read her the statement, we prayed and then she dropped me off at my car.

Its crazy as i was driving back to Norfolk the event was not as emotional as I had been so anxious about the days leading up to the event. Its like anticipating taking a bandaid off. Sure if will hurt but the best thing to do is just ripe it off. And that is what I did. It was a good day

To GOD Be The GLORY. Much Love. Take Care