Sense Of Nausea **Possible Trigger** Please read with Caution

Session 10

Each Session I try to really try to connect when I do the imaginal. Really try to go back in time to October 19th 1990.

Last week I tried to get connected to my 5 senses. I felt like I did a really good job with the information I was able to pull up.

This week I got more connected. Especially with my sense of taste. I did not know if I would be able to connect with that sense. But I did.

The first connection I made was the taste of alcohol in my mouth. After that description I started getting connected with the taste of nausea. At first I thought the nausea came from the alcohol but after really getting connected I realized that the taste of nausea was connected to my sense of smell.

I was smelling the funk that was in the room. The body odors and smells of the men who were raping me was overwhelming. And it was causing me to get really nausea

It’s crazy that even after 28 1/2 years if I concentrate I can get connected to such a horrific trauma.

Another week of successful imaginal. This therapy has not been easy. On the flip side it has been excruciattingly painful. And as crazy as it sound It has been worth it. Because I have done so much healing in the last 11 weeks. I am so grateful to my Sacred Swan and my amazing GOD for being there with me.

To GOD Be The Glory. Take Care. Much Love