Not only is this a great road sign, it is a great life sign. In life as in driving I think we can try to be 3 or 4 moves ahead that we lose focus of where we are in the present moment.
I always get frustrated with the car the is in such a hurry they are zooming in and out of traffic. They barely have clearance sometimes. And what is ironic is that 90% of the time you end of meeting up with them at the next intersection or whatever.
I feel like we can be in such a hurry in our life of getting things done that we lose focus of enjoying the scenery (the people, place, and things) I feel like this sign should not only stand on a road but it should be in many offices and homes to remind us to stay in the moment.
It is great to want to be successful in our career and our lives. But if we are working so much that we beat the sun up and we put it away at night what is the joy in that.
Call me crazy but I would rather struggle financially and be able to spend time with loved ones than being so focused on making money that I am missing out on the moments that you can never get back.
Take Care. Much Love