Let me just say that MY PLAN has not gone the way I had imagined. I have to remind myself it has gone the way GOD has planned. Instead of giving you this long drawn out post I am going to give you the cliff notes.
Buckle UP Here we go:
6/30-Officially moved to Charleston
Got settled with my 1st Host Family
7/1-First Sunday in Charleston. Felt so much love from the Church
7/2-Interview at a non-profit that I prayed about.
7/3 to 7/17-Continue to get settled in. Get medical benefits established.
7/16-Found out Lilie could not keep Duke anymore so had to find housing for him in Charleston.
7/18-Found out I got my job at Florence Crittenton. And also found another part-time job as a caregiver for an Alzheimer’s patient.
7/20-Had to make a quick trip to Virginia to pick up Duke
7/21-Got back from VA and then moved into my 2nd host family home. I was excited to have Duke with me for the week.
7/23-Started both jobs. So excited
7/29-Duke went to his host family’s house.
The month of August-
Balanced working 2 part-time jobs, One of those jobs being 3rd shift which is not my cup of tea.
Trying to find my place and purpose in the church
Looking for an apartment
Found a sister to be roommates with
Not a lot of luck finding an apartment
Feeling like I am just going through the motions of work, sleep and looking for an apartment
Beginning to question the plan for me to be in Charleston
The Month of September
Stayed with my third host family for about 12 days
Lilie turned 20. I now have 2 adult children
Transitioned from 3rd shift to mainly 1st shift with 2 2nd shift each week
Was offered a full-time mentor job at FCP. I would also be doing the housekeeping for the house
After accepting that position the Executive Director offered me a live-in position to be the House Manager. And I get to bring DUKE with me!!!!
Had to give notice for my caregiver job.
Had to let my potential roommate that I would be living at FCP
Stayed with my 4th host family for about 10 days
Hurricane Florence threatened the Low Country. But we escaped the e destruction that could have been.
Was making plans to move into FCP. Got a phone call stating the house manager job was off the table. I then found out that the housekeeping position was off the table.
For over a week I scrambled to try to find stable ground in my life and a stable place to live. This was a rock bottom for me. Many times through that week I thought about how easy it could be to just pack up my car, go back to Ohio and cut mine loses. But I knew that is not truly what I wanted. I moved to Charleston to shake up my life and be radical. And that is exactly what GOD is doing in my life. I have to lean on him and have faith in him and in his plan.
The month of October so far.
I found an awesome family to rent a room from for up to 3 months. So I have a stable place to live in this transition time.
There is the talk of the possibility of putting the housekeeper job back on the table.
I won tickets to another concert from Vettix. And I was challenged outside of my comfort zone and was vulnerable to 2 people I did not know very well. (stay tuned for that post)
I went to a church conference thinking I was just going to see friends from another region of churches. But instead, I was impacted to CHANGE MY LIFE NOW (stayed tuned to an upcoming post about this)
REFLECTION: As I have eluded to in my cliff notes. This plan that is being revealed is not what I imagined. I thought I would move, get a job, get an apartment, have great friendships quickly and just loving everything. But it has not been like that. It has been hard at sometimes. And even harder at other times.
But this is what I prayed for. I was tired of being stagnant in my life. So I took this leap of faith. And boy am I being shaken and growing. I look forward to the 6-month update. I surely do hope and pray that there will not be as many growing pains. LOL
Let me also say I have missed blogging. I have felt so empty not blogging. I am trying not to beat myself up for not blogging. It is what it is. I do hope to make blogging a priority again. Stay Tuned….
To GOD Be The GLORY. Take Care. Much Love.