Outside The Comfort Zone

So, the Hampton Roads Church had a singles ball a few weeks ago and I decided to go and had a good time. Afterword’s I got to thinking and realize that it’s been a very long time since I’ve even been to a singles dance. And I realize that I usually never dance. I may do the electric slide but that’s pretty much it, so I definitely stepped outside my comfort zone.

Right before I got there I decided to challenge myself and I wrote down a few things that I wanted to be able to accomplish

Stay 90 minutes

5 dance minimum.

So many times I was tempted to leave.  Especially since I did not know anyone.  No one would even know who I was.  I ultimately had a great time and even added to my list.

Revised Challenge
90 minutes to stay DONE
5 dances alone DONE
1 silly pic alone DONE
1 silly pic with someone I don’t know DONE
1 pic with the DJ DONE

Not only did I complete the list but I crushed it.  I was very proud of myself.  It proved to myself that I am stronger than I ever though I was.

3 1/2 hours,
7 dances alone,
1 salsa dance with a sister,
1 salsa dance with a brother
2 silly pics alone,
1 silly burst with a sister
and a silly pic with the DJ later.
I can say I survived the Singles Ball. SCORE

It was definitely hard to get outside of my comfort zone. I was tempted to not go. Glad I ignored Satans speech not to go.