One Of My Hardest Obstacles

Found this in a Basic Combat Training Family Support Group.  I feel like it is very inspirational and it is great to reflect on it.  It gave me goosie bumps to read it and to think back 28 years and remember that I felt the majority of these things.  Enjoy:


I have endured my hardest obstacle yet – basic combat training, and become a soldier. For this I am most thankful to God for giving me the strength to overcome my flaws, fears, and my old self; and for blessing me with the richest source of strength, inspiration, and motivation that I needed to make it through –
Things I learned from basic that apply to life in general:
* Always have battle buddies to take on what life brings your way – we accomplish less as individuals, and best with your battle buddies.
* If the challenge in front of you does not scare you, you’re probably not challenging yourself enough.
* Humility and integrity take you a long way and in the end, makes you a good leader.
* Never give a 100% effort towards achieving your goal.. you better give a 150% if you are truly passionate about it.
* Quote: “I am not a warrior. No matter what the soldier’s creed says. Warriors seek and make war. I am a soldier: I defend the peace and freedom of the innocent, regardless of their nationality and origin. I protect their freedom, often from warriors. People do not always welcome who we are, but be kind and defend them anyway. We are soldiers.” –