Life is made up of a bunch of one day moments. We might say. One day I will graduate high school. One day I will go to college. One day I will get married. One day I will have children. I thought this was so powerful. We can say these one-day statements until we are blue in the face. But the important thing is that we need to put those words into action.
As most of you know I have had a desire to write my life story. In my head I would say “One day I will write my life story, but I have to figure out where I want to start at” or “One day I will write my life story, but I have to figure out what stories to include”
I was saying the “one-day” statement and including but… And you know what they say when you add but to a statement. Everything before the but is erased and you really meant what came after the but. So basically for me, I was just finding excuses, reasons to allow myself to stay stuck and not productive.
I am so glad I had a fire set for me to just DO IT. Not necessarily writing a book but just getting my story out there. I never knew what the fire I had inside my soul until I started blogging 6 months ago. I think about this blog so much during my day. I am always writing down subjects/titles/things to write about.
Here is a list of what my One Day List looks like for my life and this blog:
- One day I will marry a man that will be my biggest cheerleader ( I hope he likes knee-socks)
- One day I will see the last 15 states and end the celebration in Hawaii
- One day I will travel the world sharing my life story to help others
- One day I will work for an organization that helps victims of crime
- One day I will be able to look in the mirror and totally love and accept the girl looking back at me.
- One day I will be sitting on my porch swing in the house that I will own.
- One day I will accept me for me and not who I wish me to be.
- One day I will get a tattoo to no longer be ashamed of being a survivor.
Take Care. Much Love.