The story goes that my parents were having a house-warming party in the garage as I slept in my crib. One of them went to check on me. I was warm and when they picked me up I was limp as a rag doll. After rushing me to the hospital they found out I had spinal meningitis. My parents said I was in the hospital for quite a while. There is even a story I am remembering hearing a few times that a young airman at the air force4 base would rock me non-stop when my parents were not there.
Growing up I remember being put in “a box” I had difficulty doing things that you needed coordination for i.e. Jumping Jacks. Also, I had a bad speech impediment. My family was the only ones that understand for a very long.
Even as a child I was determined to overcome these issues. I remember “trying” to do jumping jacks. I looked like a crazy windmill. But I would continue to practice. I would do my upper body movement and then my lower body and continue to try to get both sides coordinated. My speech delay I would go to speech therapy at school and at home, I would just continually practice words. I felt accomplished when I could say REFRIDGERATOR. I was so successful in overcoming that obstacle that I had no problems when I joined the Army.
It is said that it was a miracle that I survived that. Usually, babies that young are not able to fight it But I did. That was the first of many obstacles that I have overcome. Some have taken decades but I have done it. Looking back, I am awe of the obstacles I have overcome. It is only with GOD’s grace and his plan that I can get through the obstacles in my life
Take Care Much Love