Because of this situation, a “Twitter Stand” began called #MeToo. Women were being encouraged to put those 2 simple words on social media. No explanation. Just #MeToo. I thought it was powerful. I feel like it was giving a voice to this sad silent epidemic. I was proud to put those words on my facebook.
But there were others that were speaking up because they were against this movement. They felt like women were forced to talk about their traumas. And that the survivors were again being victimized.
I disagree. This was totally a volunteer act. No one was being forced to do this. Everyone had a choice to do this. I believe that we probably only see less than 5% of the survivors actually participating in this. Because not everyone is ready to put a voice to what happened to them. And that is okay.
Even if they did participate no one expected them to explain what happened to them. So I don’t see there being pressure or bullying in this movement. This movement actually reminds me of the movie “Bug’s Life” The ants felt powerless to the grasshoppers. They felt like they had to conform to what the grasshoppers wanted. But then one by one the ants started standing up and saying “No we are not doing this” And after a few minutes the ants locked arms and they were not stronger than the grasshoppers. I feel like that is what is happening with #MeToo. One woman is seeing that she is not the only one this has happened to so she types those 2 words that then gives her power and also the power to the next woman.
No one should be ashamed of what happened to them and they should not feel the need to type those two words. But if they do choose to type those 2 words. I am proud of you all. KUDOS. Take Care Much Love