I have shared before that my dad had a saying he would repeat over and over again in my life. “Accept Me for ME Not Whom You Wish Me To Be” Not only should I say this to others. For me, I should repeat this to myself. I need to learn to love myself. Definitely, I should strive to improve my life. But I need to learn to love me for where I am right now.
I have such a difficult time praising myself. Giving myself kudos. I don’t want to live in the clouds or be oblivious to realization. Having the mindset that I am FABULOUS and have no flaws. But at the same time, it is so easy for me to knock myself down than to build myself up.
So for this year, I am going to really strive to be devoted to loving myself more. I know it won’t be easy since for the last 46 years I have not done this on consecutive bases. They say to make something a habit you have to do it at least 21 times to stick. So that is my goal this year. To try and compliment me on achievements. To remind myself how far I have come. To not focus so much on how far I have to go.
My plan is to have a mason jar and to write down compliments, admirations or just facts about myself to remind myself of self-love. I plan to do another post in maybe 90 days and just share the list. There might be just a few slips of papers in the jar. That is okay. It is better than where I started from. With an empty jar.
Take Care. Much Love.