So the subject I already decided for today’s post is very fitting in perspective of not having a blog for yesterday. “Live Life or Life will Live You” Now let me clarify. It is not really an issue that I missed yesterday. I would have loved to go a year without missing a day. But yesterday is in the past and I can try to take it back. It is what it is.
Yesterday was actually a special day for me. It was Lincolns 1st participant Trick Or Treat Night. Last year he was 3 1/2 months old so he was not aware of the awesomeness of the night. But yesterday he was all about asking for candy.
The excitement actually started about 2 weeks ago when we were window shopping at Marshalls and saw the CUTEST costume. NEMO from Finding Nemo. Bethanie put it on him and he looked so stinking cute. So, of course, I had to buy it for him.
From there it snowballed into a theme. Bethanie was Dory. I was Darla. Our dog was Crush and the wagon even got in on the excitement and was the aquarium. I got so excited getting everything together for the theme. I worked hard figuring out all the small details. I had fun. The end result was great. To take a picture together was nice.
So I could have just let life live me and just get wrapped up in not missing a blog just to have a perfect record. But if I would have done that I would have missed making memories with Lincoln. To see him walking in his costume and his “fin” moving every time he moved meant more to me than having a perfect record.
Actually, it is pretty cool that the number of days was 123. So I challenge you to live life. And not allow Life to live you. If you get so caught up in work or the expectations of the world by the time you look up life would have passed you by and you have fading memories to hold on to. Take Care Much Love.
This picture was worth breaking my posting streak. I had a great time making this memory