He asked the question “Why is it so hard for parents to send their child off to college” There was a man in the audience that said the most poignant thing that is making me tear up as I am typing this. This poignant parent said “For 18 years I have been the captain of this ship, and now I will be the lighthouse on the shore”
OH, MY GOSH!!! What a powerful, and true statement that was. That is exactly how I had been feeling knowing both of my daughters will soon be. I just could not express it. But as soon as the poignant parent finished that statement it all became clear.
For 18 years I have guided my daughters. Encouraged choices. Laid down the rules. I was the Captain of this ship. But now that they were getting ready to graduate high school, become adults and making their own life choices. I would now be the lighthouse on the shore. The light that will shine bright so they know where safety is. When the waters get rough they will know to stay focused on that beaming light.
That statement was said 3 years ago and it still rings in my head at least once a week. Both of my girls have graduated high school Bethanie-2015 & Lilie-2016. Bethanie is married with a 22-month-old son. They are stationed in Alaska. And Lilie is in the Army stationed in Va.
Even with both of them living so far from me they will still call frantic about something going on in their lives. I have to remember I am the lighthouse on the shore. I can share my concerns and make suggestions. But ultimately it is their decision on what they do in their lives.
Take Care. Much Love