
  1. Lifetraps
    Why do we act the way we do?
    Core value.
    Environment culture birth order
    Exasperate irritate intensely; infuriate:
    Bring up. To. Nourish up to maturity. To nourish
    To nurture bring up
    Perfectionistic and conditional
    Emotionally depriving and inhibiting
    Dependent and selfish
    Overly permissive
    Core emotional needs-
    Connection and acceptance
    Autonomy and performance
    Reasonable limits
    Realistic expectations
    Plus one Spiritual values & community.
    Core needs to be required in order to have healthy growth and not hurt others or self.
    Family environment affects our core needs.
    When core needs are not met we develop life traps
    Life traps are deeply entrenched and cause memories.
    Life traps changed the way we see our selves and others.
    18 lifetraps
    Disconnection rejection
    Social isolation alienation
    Emotional deprivation
    Defectiveness shame
    Emotional inhibition
    Dependence incompetence
    Enmeshment I developed self
    Vulnerability to harm
    Negativity Persian
    Entitlement grandiosity
    Approval seeking recognition seeking
    Insufficient self-control self-discipline
    Exaggerates expectations
    Unrelenting Standards/Hypercriticalness
    If you want to take the test Lifetraps Test
    3 coping styles
    Surrender fright(I am powerless)
    Avoidance flight (too painful to deal with)
    Overcompensation fight (I think my life trap is not true)
    Treatment plan
    1 Understand and reflect (find the strong life trap and are causing harm)
    2 Tap into the power of the church (Ephesians 2:21-22 /4:15-16)
    Takes time. For strong life traps, it takes years
    Take consistency
    Commitment to church because we need to heal
    Emotional health takes time slow but consistent commitment
    Genuine relationships
    Avoid re parenting
    Get involved. Be vulnerable. Share ur weakness and fears. What u need. Share feelings appropriately. It is unhealthy to not express vulnerability
    See god as meeting your core emotional needs. Shift ur view of god. God is the perfect parent. Luke 6:27-28
    Journal patterns of current unhealthy relationships i.e. Household parents work place.
    Use journaling to evaluate current situation. See patterns. Get a reality check to see if u are misreading situations. Get honest healthy feedback.
    Process ur anger appropriately
    Begin the process of forgiveness. Decide to forgive parents environment and others
    Imagery exercise. Experiential process to heal emotional hurt
    Accept you seek. With all your weakness and strength. Seek a balance.
    It’s not the power of the course life traps it’s the power u give the life traps
    MediaTate on the appropriate metaphors if god
    It is easy to go toward what is easy and comfortable
    Reinventing your life Jeffrey e young
    Good enough parenting John Phillip.