I can also look at that time frame and wish that there was so much more healing in that time frame. Or even question why I had times of stuck moments where I really did not do much healing for a little bit of time.
Something I have learned through all this is that “healing does not tell time” There is not a schedule to follow. There is not a timeline that says “you must heal this much by this certain amount of time”
Each person journey is different. It is impossible to compare one journey to another. There are so many dynamics of the healing process. Some people are more open to the process than others.
No one is better than another person because of where they are in the healing process. And there is no such thing as being healed more than another person. I feel like the healing process is always an active process.
Not only are there stuck moments. There are even set back where it seems like you have made steps backward and not forward. As a great philosopher once said “you just have to keep swimming” Even when you get caught in a net or a riptide. You just have to keep swimming.
The key to the healing process is just to make a movement. One day it can be a giant step, and the next day it can be a baby step. Even in the stuck moment, you may not be making steps, but move your arms. All that matter is that you keep moving. Take Care Much Love.