1. To set me free from the past that I allowed to control me.
2. In sharing my life journey with others I hope and pray it will give others the courage to break free from their past.
3. I also hope that by sharing my life journey it might give the world a sneak peek into the life of someone that struggles daily with a traumatic past.
4. I hope that PTSD will not be blown off as “It’s just in your head”
Every time I would think about launching my blog I would get scared. Afraid that it would not be received very well. This can be very intimidating. Just like eating an elephant, it is big and you don’t know where to start. But just like eating an elephant you have to do it one piece at a time. So I will begin to share the traumas I have had in my life, how they had a negative effect on my life for a very long time and how I turned those negatives into positives. This blog is about my healing process from the traumas, dramas & Llamas in Pajamas in the Bahamas in my life. And sharing it with others, in hope that it will help them with their healing process
In May 2017, I had 2 surgeries that would cause me not to be able to work for a little while. GOD made it obvious to me to get this blog up and running. I gave myself until July 1, 2017 (about 5 weeks) to learn what I needed to about WordPress/blogging/social media. Also, this gave me time to figure out what I wanted to include. During this time I felt safe that I was getting it all together but it had not become a LIVE blog. So it was possible I could never push the button and no one would know about it. LOL. But this has been my dream to share my story so I know I need to make it official. While I was getting the website and everything together I challenged myself to tell at least 30 people that I knew about the blog. That was intimidating too. I have gotten such great encouragement and kind words. So if you are reading this then I must have No turning back now. LOL! Thanks for wanting to be a part of this journey. Much Love
My intention is to do one daily blog in a different category each day. That sounds good in theory. This may be an overload for some people. Just like a buffet, you have a lot of foods to select from, and you usually just try a little at a time. It is okay to read a little at a time or even what you feel may be beneficial to you.
I have an open mind that sometimes life takes over. I may not be able to blog every day. I will not beat myself up if I am not able to blog every day, or if I get overwhelmed and just need a time out. Just like healing, there is not a standard time frame to accomplish this. All that matters that it gets done whenever. I am excited to be able to share my life with others. I look forward to where this may lead me, who may be encouraged and helped through this blogs. Thanks so much.
Just like this picture. Every day is a new day. Let’s leave yesterday where it is in the past and not worry about tomorrow. Let’s live in today!!
Side Note: This is totally new to me. I have googled my brains out trying to figure out doing a blog, setting up my social media and everything else. If you see something that could be improved somehow or done differently. Send me an email or post a comment. As long as it is done in love and respect I am open for some “coaching”. I am sure my social media is a HOT MESS. I don’t know anything about them except facebook LOL. Please keep in mind when making suggestions FREE is my only option right now since I have been off work for 8 weeks. Thanks, Much Love.