About 2 months I was deep in a struggle of trying to figure out life. What my plan would be in Charleston? My job? My housing? Trying to establish friendships. I was struggling hard.
During this time I was chatting with a sister at church and was sharing with her my struggles. She asked me the most profound yet simple question. “What are you looking forward to?” THAT BLEW MY MIND!!!
I had never thought about that. I have always been buried in the thoughts of getting through a moment or a day. Not even thinking about the good things that are in the future.
That question is so powerful and active. What are you looking forward to? You have to make an effort to “look” It is not passive. and “forward” You are focused on what is in front of you. The future. You are not focused on what has happened, or what is happening at this moment. But instead you are actively making plans for the future. That is so powerful
That question has provoked me to think about what I am looking forward to. It maybe lunches with a friend or facetime with one of my daughters.
I have not done it yet but I plan to have a white board specifically to write things I am looking forward to. I definitely do not want to turn it into a to-do list. I want this to be a list of things that I am excited about, things that make my heart smile and flutter just thinking about it.
I glorify GOD for putting that sister in my path that day. I really needed to think about that and it gave me a different perspective and outlook on life.
To God Be The Glory. Take Care. Much Love