Life is not meant to be comfortable. It is meant to take a risk. To step outside your comfort zone. Now I am not saying go jump out of a plane without a parachute. Definitely be safe. But sitting on the couch watching Wheel of Fortune is being too comfortable in life.
I can only speak for myself when I say “you have to live life, or life will live you” Life will pass you buy. It will not slow down. My girls both moved out about 18 months ago. Granted for the first 6 months I did nothing. Being a single mom I did not do that too much in their lives. So it was okay that I did that for a little while.
Now I challenge myself to do something. Because I have a physically draining job I come home and “rest” for an hour. Watch tv, check social media or nothing. But only for an hour. Because I know myself. I will do nothing all night if I allowed myself to. I step outside my comfort zone hang out with people, go places I have not been.
I refuse to be stagnant. I am still able body. Now is the time to do stuff. I remember when I was in Korea, my dad was working in Saudia Arabia and he came to visit. He was asking where I had visited in Korea. I told him nowhere. He said the most poignant thing “The army has given you a free trip to Korea, use it to be a tourist” And that is exactly what I did for my last 6 months. I went to the DMZ, rode the train in a foreign land, ate real Korean food (not dog). I can now say I have seen Korea. So I thank my dad for that inspiration.
So step outside of your comfort zone. Do something that is radical. Radical-rising from the root. That is powerful. Like de-rooting from something that has you stuck in one place. Cut off those things that are causing you to not grow. If you have a plant that has dying leaves. You cut off those leaves to allow the plant to grow stronger and healthier. So do the same thing in your life.
Take Care. Much Love.