As a teenager I just did not get it WHY DID I HAVE TO KISS MY DAD ON THE FOREHEAD??? All kind of thoughts ran through my head “Yuck I hope I don’t get Bril-Cream on my lips” “Why do I have to do this” “I am too old for this” But instead of outwardly voicing these thoughts I just kept them in my head and still gave him a kiss on the forehead.
After becoming an adult and being so far from my family I began to hold on to those memories of “A Kiss Good Night” Because I had limited special moments with my dad I held tight to that nightly ritual. When my girls were born I never really made a conscious effort to continue the tradition. It just happened. It was not the exact tradition. Instead of them kissing my head I kissed there’s. I think it started when they were TWEENS. They really did not want to kiss me on the cheek anymore. So, I would just kiss them on the forehead.
Even now that they are adults the volunteer to do it. When we are leaving each other they just lean their head close to me so that I can give them a kiss. I really hope this tradition will continue now that I am a Mimi. I enjoy that brief special moment.