Even after being married and divorced twice. I am still hopeful that third times a charm. Most people that have been through a divorce would feel like just giving up on the hope of a happily ever after or even love in general. I truly believe I have had a journey to get me to where I am today. I have learned from my mistakes and changed things about myself. So that I can become a better me for the future.
I feel like I am finally open to dating and seeing what the future has in-store for me. I also realize that it might take a little while for GOD’s plan to play out. And also I can still question about am I ready. Have I healed enough that my past is in the past and that it is not still lingering around? I want to be confident about my healing. I know that there will be times that my past will creep up. I just don’t want it staying with me.
I also realize that healing is a process. I will always be in the action of progress. I may question if and when I am ready for a relationship. I just have to put my hope and faith in GOD and remember that he has a plan for me to prosper. Take Care. Much Love