Comfortable With Chaos

As I have mentioned before I recently moved to Hampton Roads Area to do some extensive healing. It has not been an easy process. I have been staying with Lilie and her boyfriend.

Finding a job was not an easy process. Thank you GOD for giving me an amazing job. The huge obstacle was trying to find an apartment in the location I was wanting in my price range.

I have been looking for over 6 weeks. The clock was ticking since I made an agreement with Lilie and her boyfriend that I would be out by August 1st. That is right around the corner as I write this post.

So needless to say I have been leaning on GOD hard right now. And he has worked it out. There is a family in the church that has a rental home they are going to rent to me. It is pretty much what I have prayed for. GOD IS AWESOME

The crazy part is that I feel like I am more stressed now that the storm is over than I was in the middle of the storm. I had an AHA moment. I am Comfortable in Chaos.

I have been dealing with chaos and storms in my life that is what I am comfortable with. I always have my umbrella, rain boots and poncho. But when the storm clouds separate and the sun shines that is when I freak out.

  • Do I have sunscreen
  • Do I need water
  • How hot is it going to get
  • Is there going to be another storm soon

All kinds of things go through my head. I am so use to dealing with the storms of life that I don’t know what to do when the sun comes out and there is calm. I don’t know how to enjoy the sunshine of life.

I am always thinking that something is going to happen and the thunder clouds of life are going to roll in.

I am comfortable with chaos. I now need to learn to be comfortable in the calm.