Actually, for me, it is the opposite. I have written before about the fact that I think the word Rape has lost its true meaning. I use the word Sexual Trauma because to me it describes in more detail of what happened. “A sex act had a traumatic impact on someone” If someone says “That video game raped me” I challenge them to replace the word rape with the word sexual trauma and if that is not the meaning that wants to portray then they should rethink the word they want to use. “That video game sexually traumatized me”
I think subconsciously I do struggle with saying the word Rape because for me it does have so much power over my life. So instead of allowing it to overpower my life I instead utilize words that have the same meaning yet not a lot of power over my life.
I also feel that because I have more than one trauma in my life it is easier for me to use the blanket statement “I have 3 sexual traumas in my life” Rather than saying I have been molested, raped, and gang-raped” Because that statement lets someone know about my past without sharing too much information all at once. If the person questions about the traumas then I mention 3 sexual traumas and if the person inquires more details I can then state the 3 traumas separately without having to go into extensive details. It is a safety net for me so that I do not expose too much to someone that may not be interested or may be uncomfortable knowing so much information.
So it’s not like I don’t want to say the word Rape. I don’t throw that word out like it, then and, or but” I respect that word so much because it is a powerful word for me. And I will only say it when I feel it is necessary to use it.
Take Care. Much Love.