But this story I could not ignore. Obviously, there is tons of media coverage about Bill Cosby. What I could not ignore was society’s opinion on the matter. I have heard a lot of people question the credibility of the charges and the victims. There are over 50 women that have filed charges against Bill Cosby. There is a possibility of people jumping on the bandwagon. There is no way that 50 women would join the cause. Pressing charges against someone for a sexual trauma puts so much emotional stress on a person. I don’t care who you are. You are not going to put yourself through all that emotional turmoil for money.
I have heard people question why the victims have taken so long to come forward. As a trauma survivor, I did not actively go to therapy until 26 years from my first trauma and 14 years from my last trauma. Sometimes survivors try stuffing it down until they can no longer stuff anymore. So, for me, I don’t question it at all. I am very compassionate and praise their bravery to finally come forward no matter how many years it has been.
The comment that upset me the most was “Bill Cosby did not do anything to those women, they know they wanted some of his Jell-O Pudding Pop” HOW DARE YOU BE LITTLE A SURVIVOR AND SAY THEY WANTED SOMETHING SEXUAL FROM BILL COSBY!!! That comment upsets me just to type it. I just feel some people are so vile and crude. Very insensitive.
I feel like society feels obligated to chime in. I don’t care how much media coverage a story has. We do not know every detail of the story. So, we need to keep our opinions to ourselves. Let us be sensitive for all that are involved in the case.
Take Care
Much Love