This struggle spilled over into every aspect of my life. I found myself being a “people pleaser” Just wanted to make everyone happy. Thinking g that if everyone was happy that they were happy and approved of me.
That is a sad way to live. You can’t live your life trying to please everyone else. Don’t get me wrong. It is good to think of other people but realizing that if your intentions are good and they are still not happy no matter what you do they probably won’t be happy.
I was miserable living that way. I was tired of walking around uncomfortable and unhappy. I realized I can’t get my worth and value from others. It must come from GOD and from within myself. I must be the person giving myself a pep talk. I must believe in myself. If I don’t get my value from me then even if someone else is validating me I probably will not believe it.
I am the captain of ME. I am in control of my journey. I need to believe in my dreams and myself. I need to take control of my dreams. For many years I have been telling anyone that would listen that I wanted to write my life story. I was waiting for them to give me words of affirmation “You should do it” “That’s a great idea” I was basically gauging those that I told. If they did not seem happy about it. Then I would think that it must not be a good idea because others are not happy about it. I just had to make the decision to “fish or cut bait” Either do something about it or just put it to rest.
I am so glad that GOD gave me the nudge I needed to start this journey. This is crazy that I am going after my dream of sharing my story. I look forward to seeing where this journey will take me.
Take Care
Much Love