Looking back at my life I became stagnant. I stopped functioning. I stopped doing things I enjoyed to-do. I would just watch tv because it did not require much physical or brain activity. I did enough just to sustain life. Eat, drink, occassionaly shower, try to bring in an income. I was alive, but I really was not living. You could ask me “What do you like to do?” And I could not really answer that question with passion. I would answer it with the “standard” answer: “I like crafts, outdoors, journaling” I could not talk about true passion because I had allowed it to nearly die. It took me a very long time to clean out the yuck from my life and to start living again. If you ask me now what I like to do, I will answer with passion: I LOVE traveling, spending time with my kids & grandson, writing about my life, making encouragement gifts from the heart, taking walks in nature, spending time with friends.
We can get like this in our lives. Not moving, no activity. And we can begin to stink, become stale. We can become unaware that this is happening. No one just totally stops progressing in life. It is a gradual thing. So, it is easy for it to happen. When we realize (hopefully we do) that we have become stagnant, sometimes we feel overwhelmed at the funk around us and don’t know what to do to clear up the yuck in our lives. Or we get scared because we have gotten so comfortable where we are.
Just like when a pond becomes stagnant it takes work to get it back to live and viable. It will take time to clean out the funk and yuck from our lives. The most important thing to focus on is just to start cleaning it out. Don’t worry about how much you must do. Instead see how much you have done. Keep that at the front of your mind. And before you know it your life will have signs of activity, life, and clarity.