I was always stressed about that morning routine because if one thing was off it would cause a domino effect of the girls being late for school and me being late for work. So I was very strict on what time we needed to leave the house to ensure we would get to the bus on time to not miss the bus.
I remember one morning the day was not starting out positive. We left the house late. So I was trying to make up time by walking faster. We were about half a mile away from the bus stop and Bethanie grabbed my hand. My initial reaction was to pull back or even pull her along to try and make the bus. Bethanie says “Mommie I just want to hold your hand, I don’t get to do that very often”
I almost lost it. At that moment I realize that we had been caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. We really did not have a lot of time to just hang out and spend time together. So I grabbed Lilies hand also and we just walked to the bus stop. I looked ahead and saw the bus coming. Instead of stopping the moment that was happening and running to the bus. I just continued in the moment and did not even tell the girls we were going to miss the bus.
I ended up being late to work that morning. But I did not care. I was never late to work before. And I knew I could not get that moment back with my girls. So I enjoyed it. I sucked it up like I was a sponge. I wanted to remember that moment. And I have. It is one of my favorite memories with my girls. We were going through a really hard time with the divorce, no car, not having our own place. So even through a storm, there is a rainbow. Sometimes you have to look harder for it than other times. Take Care. Much Love