I have seen quite a few videos about couples announcing that they are expecting a baby. None have hit me…
Sharing Memories
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! Valentines Day can be difficult for someone that is celebrating it alone. For me, I don’t let…
My Favorite Shape Reminder
Since tomorrow is Valentines Day I figured it was fitting to repost a blog about my favorite shape. The weeks…
Getting Comfortable In Life
As a society, it seems like we have just gotten so comfortable with life. There is nothing wrong with having…
Do I Want Him To Write It Down
Last week I shared a story that I found on Facebook “He Wrote It Down” I found it about 5…
Impact Letter to Family Friend **Possible triggers**
DISCLAIMER-This is a hypothetical letter I could imagine myself reading in a court of law if the violator was prosecuted,…
Bigger Than Your Fears
I have mentioned before that my fears and regrets can control my every thought. I can replay every mistake I…
One Day Moments
I was at a baptism a few months ago and one of the attendees shared a very poignant quote that…
20 Seconds
One of my favorite lines from a movie comes from “We Bought A Zoo”. Matt Damian character was talking to…